Monday, 8 November 2010

it's a waiting game

My CV went out months ago and to be honest I had forgotten all about the position I had applied for, as per normal if you haven't heard anything within four weeks then you should presume that you haven't made it through to the next round or to an interview, but to my shock I not only got an e-mail but a phonecall to ask me to attend an interview, and much more of a shock I was given the reason for delay.

Although I have now gone on to set up my own business the thought of a long-term semi secure job still appeals to me also the fact that the job sounds incredibly challenging but exciting I jumped at the chance of seeing if what I have preached comes true, well so far I have made it through to the next round, this is the big test as instead of a sub-contracted interview this one will be with the true client, and I'm sure will have even more stringent questions or solutions for me to solve within the structure of the interview.

Going back to me setting up my own business, and why it's a waiting game over the last few weeks I have strived to get my business out there in the public eye, starting with handing out business cards then having an article in the local press published which was then taken up by the national press, I must confess it was a shock to see my mug in the broad sheet papers but I thought this would have my phone ringing off the hook, sadly this has not been the case, I am confident that the publicity has helped but resigned to the fact that I will just have to wait, on both the next interview and the business, remember it's takes time and patients to find work and trust me it really won't come to you, unless you work for it. so wish me luck as I wish the same to you.

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